Tater Creek is a little bit of suburbia sitting right next to a whole bunch of desert. Some say that when a coot or a codger dies in the desert, their soul can sometimes become trapped in one of the nearby saguaros. Granted, the people who say this aren't especially credible, but it does make a good story.
Sony A7rii with 24-105 f/4 G (mostly f/5.6 - f/8)
Post-processing/B&W conversion: Lightroom Classic for most, and Nik SilverFX for a few.
The Chicken King instructs his minions
The Chicken King instructs his minions
Bonny Prince Chicken
Bonny Prince Chicken
The Chicken Queen wants to speak to the manager!
The Chicken Queen wants to speak to the manager!
The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister
Let me whisper in your ear...
Let me whisper in your ear...
All hat and no cattle
All hat and no cattle
Can I get an amen?
Can I get an amen?
The General
The General
The Wizard
The Wizard
The Jester
The Jester
The Sheriff
The Sheriff
Lazlo and Emil
Lazlo and Emil

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